Sunday, June 12, 2011

Time For a Reboot

I know what you are thinking, “Wow, it’s been a ridiculously long time since the last blog post!”  And you are right.  I’ve been thinking, and I’m going to reformat how I write and present this blog.  It was too long before and thus it became almost a burden to write.  

Another reason I got behind was because I was getting used to my first semester here.  Things started to get really hectic at the end (finishing my last college class, trips, planning various activities, final banquets stuff, etc.).  However, my first semester as the assistant to the director was terrific.  We had a great group!  I couldn’t have asked for a better first group.  

Now we are 1 month into my second semester, a new group of students.  They are terrific as well!  Seriously.  Everything is going great.  We have already done our full day Athens tour, gone on our Peloponnese tour (Corinth, Mycenae, Epidaurus, Nafplion and Olympia) and we just returned from our trip to Egypt two days ago, Saturday, June 11.  

I will blog about Egypt in a few days.  Boy, do I have stories and pictures to share.  I hope you look forward to that post, because it is coming.  I promise.  I know you may doubt that since it’s been almost 3 months since my last post, but one of those months was a month we had no students (between semesters) so I’m cleared of that one.  

Get excited, this blog is going into season 2, and we’ve learned a lot since season 1.  It’s going to be good. This was just to let you know that I haven’t abandoned you and that I’m bringing this blog back to life.  See you in a few days. 

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