Monday, September 12, 2011

A New Beginning (My 3rd Semester)

The fall semester has gotten off to a good start.  The students have been here for exactly one week and we have already done a lot.  We began with our traditional tour of Athens.  This included (all are hyper-linked if you want to know more about them):
HUG Fall 2011 Group Pic on the Acropolis.
Listening to Paul's Sermon to the Areopagus, while
sitting on Mars Hill.
This group is different from the past two groups I have been here for.  This group only has 21 students, whereas the last two groups had 31 and 32.  There is nothing wrong with a group this size and nothing wrong with bigger groups.  It's just interesting to see the different group dynamics that come along with the size of the groups.  It has been fun to see that for this group.  On their first free afternoon they all decided to go the beach together.  The group has already started to grow together as a family, which is great!  It's what we are all about here at HUG; becoming a family and seeing amazing things together.  I can't wait to see what is in store for this group as the semester progresses. 

Students following along with Pau's sermon in the Bible.
Today we went to the National Archaeological Museum and this past Saturday we went to Cape Sounion.  That's everything big we've been to.

Our Greek Island Cruise is coming up next and everyone is excited, me included, even if it is my 4th one.

I'll have more to post along the way but I'm going for shorter blog posts so as to keep people engaged longer.  I will use this post, however, to promote HUG.  We have recently jumped into the world of social media with a Facebook Page and a Twitter account.  I hope you will follow along by "liking" our page, and following us on Twitter, @HUGreece.  It will give you even more, constantly updated content about HUG and our adventures. 
Poseidon's Temple at Cape Sounion during sunset.
One of the students has a great view of the sunset at Cape Sounion.
I hope you enjoy these shorter posts.  I will try to keep them this way and with lots of pictures.  I know I've made promises in the past about blogging and keeping them shorter but I figure now, at the start of a new semester, is a good place to start.  Stay tuned; we have big things coming here at HUG!

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