Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Something to Hold You Over

As I promised, I am trying to be a more frequent and consistent blogger.  However, this post is going to be short because nothing incredibly significant has happened yet.  We have not had any big trips this semester, but that is about to change.  Today is Tuesday, and on Friday of this week we set sail for our Mediterranean Cruise.  I'll post about that when we return.  After the cruise, we will be pretty busy at a steady pace going to and from places.  Until then I wanted to leave you with a little something. 

Last week the Bison (Harding University's student newspaper) asked me to write an opinion article about HUG.  Many of you may have already read my article, but I decided to let it serve as this week's blog post.  Next week I will have more to say, but for now I hope you enjoy reading more about what we do here at HUG and the impact it leaves on the students who come here.

Here is the link to my article, The Sword is Powerful Like His Master.  Enjoy.

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